Hazrat Abulfadhl Al-Abbas’s loyalty was most clearly manifested when he went to the Euphrates River but abstained from drinking water. The well-known narration of the event, which is widely related to by the people, is that Imam Hussain (as) sent Hazrat… بیشتر »
کلیدواژه ها: ashura, eslam, shia

موضوعات: شهدا
   چهارشنبه 25 مرداد 13961 نظر »
The Revolution’s Causes The motives for revolution were numerous. Some were direct grievances of the general people while others were ideological. The following were the most apparent: 1. There were many defects and drawbacks but the most urgent one was… بیشتر »
کلیدواژه ها: ashura, eslam, shia

موضوعات: عاشورا, عاشورا
   دوشنبه 23 مرداد 1396نظر دهید »
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